Want To Search For Specific Photos On Your Device? Like Cats, Dogs, Yourself? Tired Of Scrolling Around Forever? I've Got You Covered ☂
Today, I want to talk about a timesaver that you might not think about that much.
It’s more of a personal thing than a business tip, I guess. But still, it can save you a lot of time.
The other day, I went to my aunt’s, and we talked a little about one of our pets.
She asked for a picture of Mouss (our dog), and I said I would send one later that day.
When browsing for a specific image that evening, I soon found out that I have a humongous number of images on my phone.
Dogs, cats, my girlfriend, me, friends etc.
That’s when I thought of the possibility of using artificial intelligence to my advantage for a change.
How To Image Search On iPhone, Android, Or Desktop
Watch my tutorial to see this tip in action:
How To Image Search On iPhone, Android, Or Desktop
Search your iPhone or iPad for people, pets, places, dates, etc.
Use the Artificial Intelligence to find photos and images in seconds. Instead of scrolling like a maniac…
Find images of yourself, your children etc. in seconds instead of minutes!
How To Image Search On iPhone, Android, Desktop et cetera
So, I just searched for “Dogs” (or Hond in Dutch) in the Google Photos app, and found it within seconds.
It even works with most breeds of dogs…
And yes, I know that is not really a Dobermann, but it’s learning, I guess 🙄
One-Minute Productivity Tip · How To Image Search On iPhone, Android, Desktop et cetera
So, that is my One-Minute Productivity Tip for today:
when searching for specific images or categories, use the Search options on Android or iPhone
You can search for Moments, People, Places, Categories etc.
iPhone/iPad 1) Launch the Photos app on your iPhone or iPad 2) Tap the Search icon 3) From the Search Screen, type your keyword or browse the categories
Or use Siri and just say “Show me photos of dogs” Or “Show photos of me.”
Android 1) Go to Google Photos 2) Search for whatever you want, like “Cats” or “San Francisco”
Or use the Google Assistant and say something like “Show me photos of dogs” or “Show me photos of San Francisco”.
Saved me a lot of time ⏳
Hope this helps some of you next time you have to search for an image.
So now you know How To Image Search On iPhone and other devices!
Have a Productive Day 🚀 Olaf the ToolFinderr
How To Image Search On iPhone, Android, Or Desktop
Video Transcript How To Image Search On iPhone, Android, Or Desktop
From the series: One-Minute Productivity Tips
00:00 Intro · How To Image Search On iPhone, Android, Or Desktop
So, hello, good morning, this is Olaf again, and today I’m going to talk to you about a nifty little trick that can help you find images and photographs on your devices much quicker than usual.
One night I was talking to my aunt, and she asked us about our pets, and we have a couple of dogs and cats. And one of them specifically, she asked how he was doing.
So, I said: “well, I’ll send you a couple of images later”. And that night I was looking on my phone and trying to find some images…
And I thought, this cannot be the case that I have to scroll back and forth into my two thousand something pictures of cats and dogs and myself and my girlfriend.
There must be a better way, and obviously, there is one, but I wasn’t familiar with it.
I want to share this discovery today with you guys, and it’s very easy.
Maybe you already know it. If so, never mind if you don’t, this could be a great time saver.
If you like this video, please subscribe, like comment, etc. That would be very nice, I would be genuinely grateful for that.
All right. So, how do we do this? It’s the same on iPhone, iPad, Mac as well as Windows and Android. They all have their own specific Photos Apps that you can use.
01:39 How To Use Photos App On iPhone
So, for example, on an iPhone, you can use the native photos app on the iPhone or iPad.
Just go to photos, and you can see already there are categories in there, so I can say dogs, for example.
And you will see a lot of dogs, but you also have moments, and you have categories again. You could have even things like December, as you can see.
It’s very easy to just check for the photos that you are looking for.
02:24 How To Search For Pets, People, Places, Dates etc. on Desktop or Android
You can also use Siri to say something like “Search for cats in the Photos app”, or something.
That is very easy to do on the iPhone and iPad and the Mac as well.
And on Android or, in this case, on my desktop, you can use Google Photos.
So in this case, you can see that it opens well, as you can see long time ago, I had to lose some weight….
But here it already suggests you can look and search for Sweden in this case or some favorite images of people that I have or images in regions that I’ve been to.
In this case, I’m going to look for dogs in Dutch that would be “Hond”. So, I will look for Hond.
And as you can see, Mouss is this brown one,I can find the nicest images in seconds. But as you can see, we’ll find all kinds of dogs.
This used to be our border collie, and these two are current dogs, but it works with cats as well.
So in Dutch. I can’t take cats, and I get all kinds of cats that we have images of.
And even if I choose “Me” in this case in Dutch, that will be Mij, then you see, these are all images of me and or my friends and girlfriend.
I could also click one of those where you see that Odette is in the images, In this case with our cat.
04:08 Search Images By Location, Countries etc.
So, it’s very easy to look up specific things in seconds.
I could also say Sweden, this is an album, but I can also choose Sweden as location.
And then you will see images of Sweden.
You can do the same on Apple as I said, and Microsoft doesn’t matter when your Android phone, iPhone, iPad, they have all their native apps.
And in this case, instead of scrolling for hours, I can find these images in seconds. So, this would be my tip for today.
Again, if you like this, please share, comment, subscribe, et cetera, depending on the platform you’re on.
And please tag me olafthetoolfinderr or just #toofinderr.
That would be very nice. I hope to see you on the next tip.
Olaf "the ToolFinderr" is a full-time internet marketer with a passion for systems and tools.
His goal and drive is to help you get more structural and recurring revenue in less time.
Or, if you are working for someone else, make you as productive as you will ever be.
His secret ingredient: loads of TOOLS.
Founded in 1970, 100% online since 2014.