How To Change UPPERCASE To lowercase in WORD

Change Uppercase To Lowercase

How To Change UPPERCASE To lowercase in WORD

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It’s just a tip!

How To Change UPPERCASE To lowercase In WORD wITH tHIS SHORTCUT (!)

So, the other day I was writing a blog and I found a very interesting piece. The only problem was that it was all in CAPS.

But it was a large piece, a lot of words, and I wanted to avoid writing it all over again. So in those cases, most people can do one out of three things.

  1. Typing it all over again
  2. Copy and paste it and then adjusting all the first sentence caps or the rest
  3. Dictate it into something and then transcribe it

Well, all of those options aren’t, in my opinion, very convenient. So, I thought there must be a better way.

And yes, there is a better way. 🚀

Shift F3 is your solution. For Mac and Windows.Try it!

How To Change UPPERCASE To lowercase In WORD wITH tHIS SHORTCUT (!)

Watch my tutorial to see this tip in action:


Change Case Command Word Screenshots
· How To Change UPPERCASE To lowercase in WORD

Apart from Shift F3, you can also use the ribbon.

Expert Tip: hold the Alt key while dragging over the text to select just the first parts of each sentence. 
Handy when you want to change the First sentence caps without ruining the other existing caps in the document. 

Convert to lowercase · How to change all CAPS to lowercase in Word

Category: Software Use

Operating Systems: Mac and Windows

Applications: MS Office (Word, Outlook, PowerPoint)


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Video Transcript Uppercase To lowercase · Convert UPPERCASE and lowercase letters

From the series: One-Minute Productivity Tips

00:00 Intro · How To Change UPPERCASE To lowercase In WORD wITH tHIS SHORTCUT (!)

So, the other day I was writing a blog and I found a very interesting piece. 

The only problem was that it was all in caps. But it was a large piece, a lot of words, and I didn’t want to write it all over again. So in those cases most people can do one out of three things. 

One is well typing it all over again, the other one is just copy, pasting it and then adjusting all the first sentence caps or the rest, and maybe a third one would be just to dictate it into something and then transcribe it. 

Well, all of those options aren’t in my opinion, very convenient. 

So, I thought there must be a better way. And yes, there is a better way. 

Today I’m going to show you how you can tackle this problem. 

My name is Olaf, I’m your ToolFinderr, and I’m going to show you how you can change the case of characters. 

So, if there are all in uppercase, you can change them to lowercase and vice versa. You can also alternate capitalization, or you could just have the first sentence start with a capital, which would be a great option, as you will discover soon. 

Well, if you want more one minute productivity tips, then just please, depending on what platform you are: subscribe and turn the notifications on on YouTube, follow me on LinkedIn or Facebook. 

Now follow me to my desktop and I will show you how you can apply this nifty trick to your text. 

01:40 Demo: How To Change UPPERCASE To lowercase In WORD 

So now I am here on my computer and, as you can see, I already put in some work for you and I have three different texts in here. 

How do you do change the case? 

Well, it works for all the office applications, but it’s most useful, obviously, for Outlook and Word. So if you are here in Word and, for example, you copied and based this from another website, you just hit shift three and, as you can see, it will change the capitalization. 

So, this is first sentence capitals. All Caps, Lowercase.

02:26 More options: Capitalize Each Word or Toggle

And there is even another option over here when you go to this one. 

This is the sentence case as we see it now. Lowercase uppercase capitalize each word like this. That is the other way and obviously, in short, this is what you can do with this Shift F3 shortcut. 

It works on Microsoft and on Apple. 

And it also is very handy when you use dictate. Because lots of times the capitalization goes wrong, and then you can just fix this with Shift F3, as I just showed you. 

03:07 Nifty trick for Capitalizing the first word of multiple sentences

But what do you do when you have a text that is already pretty okay? For example, you dictated this, and now you have this capitalization that is over here. You want this HUGE to be like it is over there, and if I now were to use this Shift F3, then you would see that this isn’t as it should be and the huge isn’t as it should be as well. 

That’s assuming this is over there. I just want to have the first sentence with capitals, right. So do this Shift F3, and I’m ready, and in this case, this still remains as it should be.

The I still remains as it should be. 

If you want to know how to do this, then please follow me, subscribe, et cetera, so you will get all my one-minute productivity tips on your favorite platform or in the email, whatever you choose. 

04:03 Are YOU SERIOUS about Getting Things Done?

But if you’re serious about getting things done, then you should follow my Masterclass: DO MORE in less time. 

In this Masterclass, I will show you a couple of secrets with which you can save at least three hours every week by just investing two of your time. 

So three hours every week would turn, in my case, but probably also for you, into 100 and 20 hours saved per year. And all I ask is for you to just invest two hours, follow the link below to my Masterclass and enroll. 

And in only a couple of weeks you will already see you will be saving at least three hours every week. If not, you don’t pay me anything. 

So, what about this challenge? Do you take me up on it? 

I will see you over there.

Have a productive day 🍀🙏
Olaf the ToolFinderr

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Olaf the ToolFinderr
[email protected]

Olaf "the ToolFinderr" is a full-time internet marketer with a passion for systems and tools. His goal and drive is to help you get more structural and recurring revenue in less time. Or, if you are working for someone else, make you as productive as you will ever be. His secret ingredient: loads of TOOLS. Founded in 1970, 100% online since 2014.