Color Picker Chrome Eyedropper Tool · Tutorial And Review

Chrome Eyedropper Tool Review 3

Color Picker Chrome Eyedropper Tool · Tutorial And Review

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Chrome Eyedropper Tool 🖊 is the Most Popular Color Picker Chrome

Ever needed to copy the color of an item on a webpage to your own website?

Or wanted to check the exact RGB or HEX color of something on the web? So you could use that same color for your own graphic designs or website.


This tiny Chrome Extension can do a lot. Especially save you lots of time!

Eyedropper is very useful to Pick the Accurate Color

What is the Chrome Eyedropper Extension

Eye Dropper is a Chrome Extension that lets you easily pick colors from the website on a Chrome tab and use the RGB or HEX-code for your own projects.

With one click you can choose the color and it will be copied to the clipboard for further use.

Why I needed a Color Picker for Chrome

When you are in the field of making money online like me, you will surely need a website, a blog, Shopify listings etc. and you need to “copy” colors from other websites.

I used to develop WordPress websites for clients as well. That’s when many times I needed to pick colors from themes, pages, etc., and use them for my own projects.

When designing PowerPoint presentations I sometimes want specific colors and a default color palette (theme).

Also in that case the Eye Dropper and Color Picker for Chrome is very convenient.

Chrome Eyedropper Tool Tutorial Video · Color Picker Chrome

Watch my tutorial to see the Chrome Eyedropper Tool in action. 

Chrome Eyedropper Tool Screenshots · Color Picker Chrome

Chrome Extension Eye Dropper and Color Picker Overview.

Eye Dropper and Color Picker for Chrome. Easily copy paste your color.

Eyedropper Features & Benefits · Color Picker Chrome

Undraw Mobile Testing Reah Removebg Preview
  • Pick Favorite Colors

  • "Copy" the Look

  • Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Very easy to use

  • Huge time saver

    ⭐️ no more guessing colors
    ⭐️ pick your brand favorites (buttons, CTA’s, backgrounds) from your palette

  • FREE!

Olaf's Favorite Feature

Stores all your last used colors. So whenever you need it, it’s there for you!

Chrome Eyedropper Tool Characteristics

Type: Google Chrome Extension

Pricing: Free


Chrome Eyedropper Tool Reviews

Chrome Eyedropper Tool Reviews Image 1
Chrome Eyedropper Tool Reviews Image 2

Get Started Now

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Eyedropper Tool Video Transcript · Color Picker Chrome


Have you ever needed to copy a color from a webpage and use that for your web page? 

Or your blog or whatever you have got online or maybe even in your PowerPoint presentation?

Well, you might want to use the color you see and you like it and then you would like to know what is this specific color. What is the RGB code or what is the HEX-code? And usually, it’s very difficult to find out what the exact color code is. 

Unless you are a developer and you use Google F12 inspections or something like that. Where you can see in the CSS code what the exact color is. 

If you’re not that kind of developer this tool is for you.

00:40 Eyedropper Chrome Tool · Color Picker Chrome

Hi, my name is Olaf, and I am your ToolFinderr. 

And today I’m going to talk to you about Eye Dropper, a fancy Chrome extension. So already here on the home page on my presentation, we will see three screenshots of what the Chrome extension is. 

So, at first, it’s an Eyedropper: you can pick a color from a webpage as you can see over here. And all the colors that I picked are stored in the last, I don’t know how many. These are items in my default palette.

And if you click on one of those colors you immediately will see what the color is. So, the selected one that was on the page and the one that I picked last. And another option is the color picker. Where you can easily pick colors using this palette. 

And the third image you can see for example, when I hover over this bluish color. It will show right down on my screen exactly what the HEX color is or what the RGB color is. 

Now let’s dive further into this Chrome extension.

02:00 Why did I need a Color Picker for Chrome

So, why did I need this in the first place? 

Well, if you are in the world of online money making you are certainly in need of a website, a blog, Shopify. 

Whatever you are doing, many times you will need colors. Or you would like some colors that you see in a different WordPress theme or on a different web page. And you would like to know what is this color?

Well, then this Chrome extension is for you.

In my past, I used to develop WordPress websites for clients as well. So, when I bought a WordPress theme with a standard color scheme it needed to be adjusted to the colors of the client.

For example:

  • the logo colors 
  • the style colors

And that’s when this extension came in very handy as well. Also, when designing PowerPoint presentations like this one, you will sometimes need specific colors or you want a specific color like this. 

Let’s say this purple over here and then you could add this purple to your color palette. And pick it every time you want.

03:09 What is Eye Dropper for Chrome? 

As I said, this Eyedropper is a Chrome extension that lets you easily pick colors from websites using chrome. And then it will show you the RGB or the HEX code and you can use this for your projects.

With one click, you can pick the color, choose the color and it will be immediately copied to the clipboard. For further use easy as that there’s nothing much to it. 

03:35 Features Color Picker Chrome

What are the features:

  • pick colors from webpages
  • use a color from the color picker, your history or the default palette
  • the color will be automatically copied to the clipboard

Also, there are some settings in Eyedropper as you can see over here. So, for example, automatically copy the pick color to the clipboard. 

And all kinds of other options that usually default as they should be. But if you want you can change those settings.

04:25 Benefits Color Picker Chrome

Well, the benefits of the Eyedropper are:

  • very easy to use
  • huge time saver
  • no more guessing color
  • pick your favorites (button, CTA’s Background) from your palette
  • FREE!

05:16 Eye Dropper Reviews · Color Picker Chrome Reviews

If we go to the reviews, you can see that it gets a 4-star review for the Chrome extension as well as the Firefox extension. Which is available too. So, if you are using Firefox you can use this color pick Eyedropper as well. 

And you can see that almost a million users are using this. So, it’s a very robust and great Chrome extension to use. Especially when designing web pages or blogs.

05:46 Eye Dropper Chrome Tutorial · Color Picker Chrome Tutorial

But obviously as usual, let’s have a look at the tool itself to see how this works in practice. So, here is the Chrome extension as you can see and I already installed it. Let’s have a look at how this works. 

It will end up here in your Chrome extensions bar and from that, you can just click on it and it will appear. And as you can see, the last color I used was white smoke with this HEX code but for example, like this color of green to use. 

I would go and pick it and just point with my mouse to it. And you can see it in the right-hand corner below, that will show the code in RGB and HEX. 

So, I cannot show it with my mouse because then it will disappear, as you can see, but it’s over here now.


  • black
  • green  
  • bluish 
  • gray  
  • yellow

Depending on where you are pointing with your mouse. And if I click on it, it will be automatically saved to my clipboard. As I can show you over here. 

07:17 Color Picker Chrome

So, that is one of the functionalities, the other one is a built-in color picker so you can just go like this and then use it.

And the other one is my default palette. So, all my choices. My last colors are over here.

You can:

  • save it 
  • trash it  
  • export it to CSV

So, this is all to it. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s very easy and straightforward.

Just add it to Chrome and you will use it many times. I’m sure of it.

Alright, I hope you liked this video and I will see you in the next one.

Thanks for watching!

Good luck 🍀🙏
Olaf the ToolFinderr

Olaf the ToolFinderr
[email protected]

Olaf "the ToolFinderr" is a full-time internet marketer with a passion for systems and tools. His goal and drive is to help you get more structural and recurring revenue in less time. Or, if you are working for someone else, make you as productive as you will ever be. His secret ingredient: loads of TOOLS. Founded in 1970, 100% online since 2014.