BlurPage Blur Video Tool · Blur Tool Tutorial

Blurpage Blur Video Tool

BlurPage Blur Video Tool · Blur Tool Tutorial

Productivity Advice for cell phone or tablet

If you love making video tutorials 📹 the BlurPage Blur Video Tool is for you

If you are in online marketing or affiliate marketing, you probably will have made a video or two. And you also make loads of screenshots to share with your followers, am I right?

Many times, at least in my experience, you will have to share some screens that contain sensitive or private information.

What I used to do was changing the video or images with video or image editors.

But that takes a lot of time! 

What is BlurPage Blur Video Tool

That’s why I’m pretty stoked with BlurPage, a Chrome extension that makes life a lot easier and makes hiding things much faster.

Simply point to the parts of the website that you don’t want to be visible, and BlurPage will automatically blur it for you.

Job done, NEXT!

Why did I need this Blur Video Tool?

When making affiliate tutorial videos about web hosting software I use, I regularly need to show screens with confidential information on it, like passwords.

At first, I blurred the parts afterward in my video editing software. But that often goes wrong, takes skills, and more importantly a lot of time.

Of course, it also works like a charm for screenshots, e.g. when you have to send things to developers or a help desk.

BlurPage Blur Video Tool Tutorial

Watch my tutorial to see the BlurPage Blur Video Tool in action.

Screenshots BlurPage Blur Video Tool

Example and toolbar BlurPage. 

Blur login info, credit card info etc. Saves a lot of time on video editing time. Don’t do it afterwards, just beforehand.

Features & Benefits BlurPage Blur Video Tool

Undraw Mobile Testing Reah Removebg Preview
  • Very easy to use

  • Huge time saver

    ⭐️ no more searching the video for the parts containing the sensitive information
    ⭐️ no more blurring in the video editor
    ⭐️ always the correct text or element and ONLY that area will be blurred
    ⭐️ not too late or too soon in the video

  • CHEAP!

Olaf's Favorite Feature

The simplicity of BlurPage makes it genius! Just activate the extension and click the part you want to hide. What a timesaver compared to editing a video or image afterwards!

Characteristics Blur Video Tool BlurPage

Type: Google Chrome Extension

Pricing: Paid

Free trial: No


BlurPage Blur Video Tool Reviews

Blurpage Blur Video Tool Reviews Image 1

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BlurPage Video Transcript


If you ever make tutorials, you’re going to love this Chrome extension. But even sometimes you have to send some screenshots over to:

  • help desks  
  • developers
  • other people

that need your screens. 

This Chrome extension can be very handy in those cases, since BlurPage will blur the information on the page that you don’t want them to see. As you can see on this slide here, I blurred out all these sensitive fields and elements on my web page.


  • my IP address
  • my password  
  • the port
  • my username

So, this has all been done with the click of a mouse. And how this works I’m going to show to you now.

My name is Olaf and I am your ToolFinderr.

And today we’re going to talk about BlurPage.

00:53 Why did I need a Blur Tool?

Why did I need this extension? 

Well, I was making affiliate tutorial videos about this web hosting vendor that I use. And I am very happy with the service they offer. So, I thought I would write a blog about this. 

And therefore, I shoot some tutorials and also some screens as you saw in the beginning with confidential information on it. 

But I also needed to send screenshots to developers with confidential information on them, like a password. And initially, I just shot my videos or my screenshots, and then I would blur it afterward. So, either in my image editing software like IrfanView or in my video editing software like Movavi. 

But especially in videos that often goes wrong, takes skills and moreover a lot of time. And now you might say: why does that go wrong, or why does it take skills?

Well obviously, you don’t want to blur the wrong parts of the video, and you don’t want to blur it too long neither. Or even worse, too short because then the information would be visible. 

So, it would be very handy if you could just have some software to blur the parts of the screen temporarily. Shoot your video and afterward you just disable the extension. 

And as said, it does not only work for videos but also for screenshots. The times I had to send stuff to developers or to help desks are numerous. Also, in those cases, this extension works like a charm.

02:32 What is BlurPage?

So, what is BlurPage? 

It is a Chrome extension that can do only one thing. Just blur elements or text that you don’t want people to see. And I’m going to show you in a bit how this works in practice. With one click of your mouse, you can just hide the parts of the web page in Chrome. You can take your screenshot or make your video, and you’re done. 

02:57 Features BlurPage

The features of BlurPage are fairly limited, obviously. But what it has to do, it does very well. It blurs

  • elements 
  • text

and it has a right-click option to blur the text that you have selected. 

As you can see, this is, for example, the product page of BlurPage. And here they demonstrate in a video how it works. So, if we would have it enlarged this is what you see. 

Here we have the BlurPage magic wand, this is the paint roller and here is the eraser. 

And the rest is just to close and to have information about the extension. So, that’s all you can do: blur it and erase it.

03:40 Benefits BlurPage

The benefits of BlurPage.

It’s very easy to use since there is not much you can do. So, that is a great benefit 🙄

And it’s a big, huge time saver. Because normally, when you shoot a video with sensitive information in it, you first have to look up the parts where the sensitive information is.

Then you have to go to your video editor and detect the exact start and stop time of the part you want to blur. And then you would have to be careful of what you are blurring.

So, one of the biggest benefits of BlurPage is that you have always the correct text or element blurred. And only that area and not other areas and not too long or too short. 

If it’s too late in the video still your sensitive information will be shown. And if it’s too soon, you will blur out items or pieces of your video that should not be blurred. It’s a very cheap extension, as you can see when you go to the product page.

04:42 BlurPage Tutorial

Let us see how this works in practice.

Let’s assume this is the page that I want to blur some sensitive information off. I will go to the extension click on it and here you will see the toolbar. 

Immediately, it is already in blur mode. So, I can just click the elements that I want to blur. 

And as you could see, I could click the whole one or just smaller pieces of it. Or the thing itself. Whatever you want!a

Another option is you can switch it to text select mode. Then you can just select this text and blur it like this. 

For example, if you have a list of addresses, and you don’t want these to be published on the internet in your video on your screenshot. You just click on the extension and hide the elements that you don’t want people to see.

Simple as that.

And obviously, you can also hide the whole element if you want. And again, if you go here and switch to the text mode you could easily choose the paint roller or right-click and all the items will be blurred. 

Well, that’s all about it.

I hope you like this, and I’ll see you in the next video.

Thanks for watching!

Good luck 🍀🙏
Olaf the ToolFinderr

Olaf the ToolFinderr
[email protected]

Olaf "the ToolFinderr" is a full-time internet marketer with a passion for systems and tools. His goal and drive is to help you get more structural and recurring revenue in less time. Or, if you are working for someone else, make you as productive as you will ever be. His secret ingredient: loads of TOOLS. Founded in 1970, 100% online since 2014.